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How to get more Power in your Muay Thai Kicks

Muay Thai kicks are known to be one of the deadliest kicks in the martial arts world. Achieving a powerful kick is one of the few top skills every Muay Thai practitioner wishes to acquire. Thankfully, everybody can achieve that by putting in the work.

What’s more beneficial is that while practicing getting a powerful kick, it comes with health benefits and getting you stronger in Muay Thai. Use these tips to help you get a more powerful kick.

#1: Technique matters more than strength

Squatting 100kg on the squat rack will only get you so far. Technique is important as it helps you execute your kick in the most efficient and effective way.

With the right guidance from your Muay Thai Coach, you should be able to develop the techniques with ample practice. Some key pointers to take note

1) Ensuring that you are shifting your weight into your kick

2) Swing your arms as you are kicking (to help with twisting the torso)

3) Pivoting your standing leg to allow the transfer of your weight

It is always to have your Muay Thai Coach to guide you as you practice. Having a Muay Thai Coach guide you will allow you to practice and perfect your kick efficiently. Having good technique will amplify the power in your kicks.

#2: Resistant Band Kicks

Having a resistant band strapped to your ankle as you practice your kicks will help you develop the power in driving the kicks into your opponent. Similarly, to weightlifting, if you want to develop more muscles in your leg, you will look to increase the weight in your squats. Hence, if you are looking to increase the power in your kicks, having the added resistance will allow you to develop the power behind those kicks.

Key pointers to take note as you are practicing with the resistant band

1) Ensure that you can drive your kick into the back. Having a band that doesn’t allow you to perform the kicks will not help.

2) Ensure you are practicing with the right technique (See #1 on Technique of Kicking)

#3: Running

Running alone does not make your kicks more powerful, however, it builds up the endurance in your body, and your heart (which improves your cardiovascular system), giving you ample endurance and stamina to be able to throw those powerful kicks repeated.

Thai Fighters generally run twice a day, starting with a 10km in the morning and followed by a 3-5km jog later in the day. The amount of runs they do helps to build that endurance, allowing them to generate the power in their kicks repeatedly in their fights. If you are looking to develop the power like that they do, you have to put in some extra work.

#4: Plyometric Exercises

Plyometric exercises are focused towards developing explosive strength. Contrary to weightlifting, plyometrics can be attained with bodyweight exercises. The goal of the exercises and/or workout plan is to develop your type 2 muscle fibers, also known as fast twitch muscles, which are responsible for creating that explosive movement in your kicks.

Some examples of plyometric exercises are jump squats, tuck jumps, skipping, lateral jumps. These exercises help you to develop the explosive strength needed for your kicks. Furthermore, including these exercises as part of your workout in your training regime also helps you develop your cardiovascular system (improves stamina), strengthening your bones and ligaments and giving you a great workout too.

However, such exercises are always recommended to practice with cautious. High impact activities such as plyometric exercises may not be ideal for everyone, hence always check with your Muay Thai Coach or a Strength and Conditioning Coach if these exercises are suitable for you.

#5 Flexibility and Mobility

Flexibility refers to the ability of a muscle or muscle groups to lengthen passively through a range of motion. On the other hand, mobility refers to the ability of a joint to move actively through a range of motion.

Being flexible and having the mobility to rotate your hips into your kicks will efficiently allow your body to transfer the weight into the kick, generating the power behind the kick. Working on developing the mobility of your hips also allows you to have an overall better health as it decreases the likelihood of injury or hip-related issues that may cause you to miss your training sessions.

To perfect a technique takes time and a lot of effort from you to practicing it. Take your time and enjoy the process! If you are struggling to figure out how to develop your kicks power, reach out to us and we will be able to help you to reach your goal.

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