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How to get more out of your Muay Thai session

If you are looking to pick up a new fitness lifestyle, looking to compete or you are an avid Muay Thai student, these tips can possibly help you benefit more from each session.

To many, starting Muay Thai may seem intimidating as there is a misconception of being “fit” to train Muay Thai. However, like many other things in life, if you don’t start practicing, your skillset (including your strength, stamina, and lifestyle) will not have any change- you’ll potentially be where you are today 6 months later.

You don’t have to be fit to practice Muay Thai, you can always practice Muay Thai to get fitter. While the goal is to be a fitter version of yourself, we advocate teaching and learning the proper techniques to prevent injuries and for you to get more out of each session. Use these tips as a guide for your sessions.

#1: Training Frequency

The more you practice, the better you get- it is essential that you are practicing the right techniques as well.

Generally, for an untrained individual (one that have not work out in months or even years), starting with 2-3 sessions per week will help your body to adjust to the change of lifestyle. Especially if you are an untrained individual, the muscle soreness that you feel after the first few sessions will last for a couple of days before you are fully recovered. As you progress, you can always add another day to your training week to practice your skillset.

#2: Personal Training

Personal Training sessions should be catered to your specific needs and goals. If you are looking to get more out of each session, personal training will be the most beneficial for you as you receive the undivided attention on developing yourself to reach your goals. It may be improving your fitness level, learning a new technique, or simply getting the entire session for yourself.

#3: Listen & Ask Questions

Listening to your Coaches or your peers that are more experienced will give you a boost in improving. This is crucial as Coaches who have been teaching Muay Thai long enough will know what the common mistakes and how different explanations helps. If you are unclear, always ask questions to clarify your doubts so that you can move on to learning a different technique.

#4: Being objective

Every Muay Thai gym has a different set of teaching methods and programs available. Through our years of experience, we have set a training system that progressively teaches you new techniques. Our training system is like how we train our Fighters, we develop them based on their strengths and guide them on their weaknesses.

Personal Training can benefit you the most as each session objective is set to better cater towards your development. On the other hand, group classes have a training system in place that guides everyone on how they can progressively learn new techniques and sharpen their skillset.

#5: Stay focus

There are a million techniques and combinations to practice in Muay Thai, and with the advancement of technology, contents made for learning are readily available online such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and even online training programs.

Stay focus on what you set out for yourself to practice and stick to it. Bruce Lee once said, “I do not fear the man who practice 1000 kicks once, I fear the man who practice one kick, 1000 times.” Similarly, to our lifestyle, we only get better at something if we keep practicing it.

Having a good Coach will be a great guide to focusing on what you need to work on.

#6: Push yourself

Growth comes from stress- and stressing your body the right way will allow it to grow. If you are looking to improve your fitness level, build muscles or lose weight, pushing your body to its limit during each training will help you to burn more calories and increase your muscles.

Fighters push themselves daily to stay on top of the game. You may be doing it either for fitness or competing, but by pushing yourself during your sessions, you will always be on top of the game- and in this case, the game is yourself.

#7: Relax, have fun, and enjoy yourself

Having a positive environment to train and practice will have an impact on your mindset. If you are always uptight, the environment becomes stressful and unpleasant. As much as you wish to improve in the most efficient and effective way, it is important to have a laugh occasionally!

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