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Benefits of Shadow Boxing in Muay Thai / Boxing

There are many benefits that comes with shadow boxing. Shadow boxing may seem mundane and generally people don’t see the importance of it. However, the benefits that comes with it will not only help you improve your techniques, but also it comes with a few health benefits.

1. Shadow Boxing is a great warm up tool

It is important to warm up your body to prevent injuries, especially if you are going for an intense workout. Shadow boxing is a great warm up tool as it prepares your body for movements that are related to the martial art as compared to your traditional stretch and hold positions. If you tend to have tight muscles or have difficulty to kick higher, shadow boxing will help your muscles to stretch for sessions.

2. Shadow Boxing is a great aerobic workout

Shadow boxing is a great aerobic workout that involves you moving your entire body, focusing on balance and engagement of your core strength.

3. Shadow Boxing helps you to visualize different scenarios

Shadow boxing will help enable different scenarios and how you can set up different combinations, practice your defence and footwork drills

Practicing the combinations, techniques, or footwork that you struggle with during sparring / fights helps you to develop the necessary muscle memory to allow your body to perform the same, if not, similar, combinations or footwork in your sparring or fights.

Awareness is a key fundamental of shadow boxing- especially if you are training alone. Knowing what you struggle with and practicing in shadow boxing will allow you to improve more efficiently. If you have a Coach, you can always seek advice from him/her on how you can improve from your sparring / fights and practice it during shadow boxing.

4. Shadow Boxing can make you a more intelligent fighter.

Stimulating fight scenarios while you shadow box can make you a more intelligent fighter, increasing your ring intelligence.

One of the few things that dictate an intelligent fighter includes ring movement, being able to dictate the pace of the fight and where to put himself to have a dominant position. Putting this together while you shadow box can help you develop your intelligence in the ring.

5. Practicing of fakes and feints

Besides practicing combinations, it is a good segment of the training program where you can practice your fakes and feints. Include transiting into striking from your fakes and feints. As you are not being pressure by sparring partners, pad holder etc., this gives you ample time to practice your fakes and feints and following up with your strikes.

Visualization is important in this segment as you will need to visualize how your opponent reacts to your fakes and/or feints before planning your series of combination. As there is no pressure to immediately follow up with your combination, it is a good time to practice your fake and feints, take your time to visualize how would your opponent react and plan your strikes around it.

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