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Coach Nigel

Coach Nigel brings a decade of experience teaching Muay Thai at a prestigious martial arts gym in Singapore. During his tenure as a coach, he has honed effective strategies that have led to significant improvements for his students.


Before focusing exclusively on private training, Coach Nigel dedicated countless hours at his former gym, tirelessly training and developing fighters, including himself, for competitions while ensuring they adhered to rigorous training regimens.


Driven by the same dedication and commitment, Coach Nigel now applies his expertise to individuals seeking personalised guidance in Muay Thai or general fitness. He offers tailored programs to monitor and enhance their skills or overall physical conditioning.


Coach Nigel's approach is rooted in his belief that structured training and personalised attention can yield remarkable results, whether for mastering Muay Thai techniques or achieving fitness goals.


2019: Singapore Kickboxing Champion

2022: WMO Singapore Pro-Amatuer Super Lightweight Champion

2022: Muay Thai/Kickboxing Referee and Judge by International Sport Kickboxing Association (ISKA)

2022: Certificate in Values and Principle in Sport by Sport Singapore

2023: Certificate in SG Coach Theory Level 1 by Sport Singapore

His Story

Coach Nigel's journey in Muay Thai began at the age of 14, driven by a passion for fighting that ignited his lifelong dedication to the sport. Training both in Singapore and Thailand, Coach Nigel honed his skills as a fighter and sought to share his accumulated knowledge with aspiring martial artists.


His path as a Muay Thai competitor faced challenges early on, lacking proper coaching support. Coach Nigel persevered by self-training, studying videos, and learning techniques used by international competitors in hopes of applying them effectively in his own fights. Upon joining a reputable gym, Coach Nigel finally had the guidance he needed to refine his training methods and develop as both a fighter and coach.


Despite being a smaller fighter, Coach Nigel consistently challenged himself by competing in higher weight classes where opponents were larger and heavier. This strategy proved successful when, in 2019, he claimed the title of Singapore Kickboxing Champion after overcoming heavier opponents by leveraging their size against them with strategic technique.


In 2020, Coach Nigel faced a setback in a bout against the former WMO Singapore Pro-Amateur Super Lightweight Champion, but this fuelled his determination to further enhance his skills. In 2022, after rigorous training in Thailand—twice daily, six days a week for a month—Coach Nigel returned prepared to compete for the championship title once more. His intensive training not only immersed him in Thai training methods but also elevated his personal standards for improvement. This dedication paid off as Coach Nigel emerged victorious, securing the title of WMO Singapore Pro-Amateur Super Lightweight Champion.


Coach Nigel's journey exemplifies resilience, determination, and the pursuit of excellence in Muay Thai, both as a competitor and a coach dedicated to passing on his expertise to future generations of fighters.

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